Monday, November 11, 2013

Today is not a good day! I am trying with every ounce of my being to stay strong and hopeful but quite honestly I do n't know if I can muster anything.
Alec has infection in his leg which is staph! Praying that it doesn't run through his whole body. They came in about an hour ago and cleaned it right there. They did give him pain meds but quite honestly I DO NOT know how he stood the pain. Rourke told him he's absolutely the toughest kid he's ever seen! Rourke and I could hardly handle it, how Alec did I will never know! The muscle flap is dying and I think the only reason the doctors didn't just say it's done was for Rourke and I, that we wouldn't lose complete hope. How in the name of all that is good do you tell your 21 year old son he is losing his leg?
He is having surgery in the morning on his left leg to fix the LCL and the bone. Sorry I can't find a positive space to be right now, but I will! My son is amazing and I love him so much! Please continue the prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to say...except that I'm so sorry and don't lose hope! Devastating news and staph infection is so scary, but there IS still hope that he'll beat it and keep his leg, so don't lose sight of that. I cannot imagine the heartache you're feeling, worrying about this with your young son and feeling so helpless about his pain, too. My continued prayers are with all of you and the hospital staff. I'm praying he makes a full recover, especially that he does not lose his leg. If he does, life will change and there will be some difficult challenges to overcome, but he will lead a full life if he can come to terms with it and tackle it like it sounds he's tackled every other obstacle so far. Keep your head up and stay strong and deal with each reality as it happens...look for the positive always and focus on it. You'll have your moments of complete breakdown, embrace it and let it out, then pick yourself up and find the positive space to create the happiness that there is. He is alive. Thank God for that. It is something you will always be grateful for and use it as motivation towards that positive space. Thank you for the continued updates. Sending all my love!
