Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On October 30, 2013 Alec "Mickey" McMorris watched as he followed his cousin up Parley's Canyon for his job hit black ice and spin out of control. Pulling past this accident and parking, Alec heroically ran back to see if his cousin was okay. After he made sure his cousin Nick was okay, his cousin got back in his car that was against the guardrail to get his phone. Within 30 seconds of this, another car hit the same black ice, spun out of control, hit head on with his cousin Nick's car and proceeded to go over the guardrail where Alec only had a split second to try and jump out of the way. What the highway patrolmen presume happened next is the truck clipped Alec's leg as he tried to jump, severely damaging this leg, and sent him flying roughly 20 feet. Alec's cousin and a nurse that happened to be driving down the canyon put a tourniquet (Nick's belt) around his leg to stunt the bleeding. His right leg is severely  damaged with 4 inches of his femur bone missing. He has major tissue damage in his leg, a lacerated spleen and kidney, an aorta tear (which is in his heart), multiple broken teeth, and a bitten tongue.

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