Today has been a pretty good day considering......
Alec has done so much today and is pretty exhausted. 2 sessions of occupational therapy and 2 sessions of physical therapy. Then he got to take a shower!!! Woohoo
A large portion of his body was covered in plastic, but it was still a shower! Washed his hair and it felt so good! He has eaten a good part of 3 meals today and so hopefully the feeding tube can come out soon.
Brontay is doing much better today and has been able to rest which she desperately needed! Her dad is flying in tonight from Houston to be with her and help get her insulin pump and everything handled. That will be so good for her to have her dad with her.
Another day down and we are hopeful that maybe we can get Alec home by Thanksgiving....we will keep our fingers crossed.
I can't tell you enough how your strength and positivity inspire me. As I'm faced with hardships, I have you to look up to. You're seriously amazing, girl! And your sweet son is a total rock star! It's great to see him in rehab and closer to getting the hell outtah that hospital. I'm praying like crazy he is home for Thanksgiving. What a special holiday this year will be, considering all you've been through. I'm so glad his girlfriend is doing well, too. Brontay is such a cute name, by the way =). Again, thanks for keeping the blog updated. I literally think of you guys NONSTOP! Every day when I drive Parleys I curse that dangerous, stupid road. Sending lots of love and continuous prayers!