Thursday, November 28, 2013

 This is a post straight from Alec himself: Everybody throws up some post about how they're thankful for things, but I don't think they are as thankful as they should be. Today I am so incredibly thankful to be alive. I am thankful that I only lost one limb in my accident. I should be so much worse off than I am, and I am thankful to god for saving me. I'm thankful for all the doctors, nurses, aids, and everyone at the University Hospital for saving me, because I did nothing. I laid in bed and had my surgeries, but I wasn't the one fighting the fight, they were, so to them I owe my life. I'm also so thankful for my support system because I wouldn't have made it without them. I'm thankful to my father who works tirelessly everyday and is making sure that I get treated fairly. I'm so thankful for my mother who puts up with me and is being an incredible at home nurse. I couldn't be more thankful for my beautiful girlfriend who literally wore herself to the breaking point for me. I'm thankful that she wants to stick around through all the hassle that lies ahead and I'm lucky she wants to spend her life with me. I'm so thankful for all the people who pray for me, love me, help me, and for my family. You guys got me through a time that could have been dark, but everyday someone brought in a light. Thank you for all of your help and support. It doesn't go unnoticed and it means the world to me. I haven't put up a fight yet, but you wait till I can get out of this bed and see what I do. One day I will be a warrior and this will not stop me from what I want to become. Thank you to everyone and he happy to be alive, it could change in an instant.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just one day short of 4 weeks, we are leaving the hospital!! Alec is so ready to be home. He wants to start his new life and get moving forward.
 The pharmacy came in and gave us all his medications, I need a degree just to keep it all straight! He will still have a PIC line so he can continue his antibiotics. He has shots everyday twice a day.
 Its amazing to be bringing him home and SO scary at the same time!
We are so beyond grateful for his life, his attitude and his motivation to be the best he can be! Our hearts are so full of appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has prayed, supported and loved all of us and especially him! Please don't stop praying as this new journey will be long and difficult! Alec will continue to inspire us as all and will do amazing things!!!Wow!!!! Alec is home!!!! So happy to have him home. It has been a very long day. He is completely exhausted, but is happy to be home. My bedroom looks like a hospital however, with medicine, supplies, bandages, then iv poles and papers. We had visits from family and friends and pharmacies and nurses. Tomorrow we will have more with physical therapists and occupational therapists and who knows what else. But he is HOME!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Today has been......well a day! They came in this morning and changed all the dressings on Alecs leg. The nurse did a great job and took extra care and patience with him. The reality of his situation really sunk in today. Maybe because it was Sunday and he didn't have therapy or maybe just seeing his leg for the first time, or just a combination. But emotionally it was a very difficult day!
As a mother it is extremely difficult to watch your son be in so much pain both physically and emotionally and not be able to help or fix this! I listened to him talk and cry and honestly there were no words I could say that would bring him comfort. I feel so totally helpless and out of control. I want to have the right words and quite honestly there just aren't any! I know he will be ok and is strong enough to do this, but it literally breaks my heart!
Tomorrow is a new day and we will get up and do what needs to be done and he will be amazing just like every other day since this happened. And I will be right by his side and so will his dad! He has so many friends family and loved ones that will be there for him every step of the way, but the reality is only HE knows what this feels like and only HE can do it, and that I KNOW HE WILL!!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Had another pretty good day. Alec had therapy again and did AWESOME! He is tired but still amazing!
Today The Byrd family, few friends, and Alec's little brother Landon built a wheelchair ramp at my house so that Alec can come home. How amazing and awesome that they would put the time and effort into helping. Also thanks to my awesome cousin Butch for bringing all the wood that was needed. We are so grateful!
Alec's hematocrit levels are down today so we have had to give him another two units of blood. Not sure why that is and no one seems to know for sure either. As a mom, of course all my worries and concerns return again , but I am remaining positive and hopeful that it will be better after the transfusions and will be ok. Praying that we aren't having some kind of setback......we so want to go home before Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Today has been quite a day!!!
Alec started out the day getting his wound vac removed. They changed the dressing on his right leg and it all looks awesome. Then they also removed the drain from his abdomen. Alec had 4 sessions of therapy scheduled and then asked for an extra session. He just wants to work hard so he can go home! The therapists all said he is doing so great and is days ahead of where they anticipated! DETERMINATION!!! Then later in the day he had his feeding tube removed!!! He has everything off now except his PIC line, which he can come home with. Alec put an amazing post on Facebbok today,  "I'm going to dominate this life.....with one leg or two"!!! He is AWESOME! Brontay was also released from the hospital in Provo today and is doing so amazing! She doesn't let anything stop her and we are all so grateful to have her in our lives!
They are thinking Alec may be able to come home on Tuesday! Keep your fingers and toes crossed......I can't wait to have him home!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This is Alec with coach Whit, the Utah baseball team, and Trevor Riley!

Today has been a pretty good day considering......
Alec has done so much today and is pretty exhausted. 2 sessions of occupational therapy and 2 sessions of physical therapy. Then he got to take a shower!!! Woohoo
A large portion of his body was covered in plastic, but it was still a shower! Washed his hair and it felt so good! He has eaten a good part of 3 meals today and so hopefully the feeding tube can come out soon.
Brontay is doing much better today and has been able to rest which she desperately needed! Her dad is flying in tonight from Houston to be with her and help get her insulin pump and everything handled. That will be so good for her to have her dad with her.
Another day down and we are hopeful that maybe we can get Alec home by Thanksgiving....we will keep our fingers crossed.

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog. It has been a very long day. Alec was visited by some great people today. Coach Kyle Whittingham and Trevor Riley from the Utes football team, and then later the entire Ute baseball team. How awesome is that!! Thank you Tim Pagoaga for setting that up. It put a smile on Alec's face and we are so grateful. What a great group of guys!! Alec was moved to the rehab unit this afternoon. One step closer to coming home! It won't be easy, but one thing is for sure...... HE CAN DO IT!
Tonight we got a phone call that Brontay had collapsed and was taken to the ER in Provo. She thought she was just exhausted and maybe a little dehydrated. What we found out this evening is that she has type 1 diabetes. As I left the university of Utah to go to the hospital in Provo, I just cried and cried. I am not sure what it is that's going on, and I feel so totally out of control with all of it! Even as I write this, I feel like I'm watching some bad movie that just doesn't end!
As I walked into the hospital and into her room, I was once again reminded of how lucky and blessed we are! This sweet young girl had a blood sugar count so high that she really should have been in a diabetic coma! We are truly blessed to have had a friend with her at that moment to get her taken care of. Thanks Hillary!!
Brontay has the same attitude as Alec and will be ok! She will be in the hospital for a couple days to get her blood sugar regulated. Alec was having such a hard time not being able to be there for her! One thing I know for sure is that these two kids have been through some really hard times that no two 21 year olds should have to go through. However, they will be stronger and better because of these things. I am again asking for your prayers on both of their behalf.
I don't have all, or any answers but I know we are getting through each day as it comes because of the faith and prayers! THANK YOU

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We had a really rough night last night and most of the day has been the same. Pain is almost unbearable. They finally got it mostly under control early this evening and he has slept a lot. They took him down for an xray of his right femur a couple hours ago and said its normal to check that.....we don't know?
His color is so bad today, maybe from surgery yesterday? It just is taking a heavy toll on his skinny little body!
Phantom pains are a very strange thing. Your brain doesn't realize that you no longer have a body part so even though its gone, your brain still thinks its there! Then you have all the nerves from the amputation that are so fresh......
That's a lot of pain and then you add the left leg and the pins in his right hand and PAIN!!!!
It is so hard for Rourke and I as parents to sit and watch and can do nothing! The most helpless feeling ever! I just wish so much to trade him places or make him feel better. He still is so positive and so polite to the nurses and staff....its unbelievable to witness. The courage and strength of our 21 year old son is completely overwhelming to us. We cannot begin to imagine what he is going through and yet he continues to be grateful to be alive and positive. As parents we cannot express our thanks and gratitude enough for all of the love and prayers! We made it through another day!!
We had a really rough night last night and most of the day has been the same. Pain is almost unbearable. They finally got it mostly under control early this evening and he has slept a lot. They took him down for an xray of his right femur a couple hours ago and said its normal to check that.....we don't know?
His color is so bad today, maybe from surgery yesterday? It just is taking a heavy toll on his skinny little body!
Phantom pains are a very strange thing. Your brain doesn't realize that you no longer have a body part so even though its gone, your brain still thinks its there! Then you have all the nerves from the amputation that are so fresh......
That's a lot of pain and then you add the left leg and the pins in his right hand and PAIN!!!!
It is so hard for Rourke and I as parents to sit and watch and can do nothing! The most helpless feeling ever! I just wish so much to trade him places or make him feel better. He still is so positive and so polite to the nurses and staff....its unbelievable to witness. The courage and strength of our 21 year old son is completely overwhelming to us. We cannot begin to imagine what he is going through and yet he continues to be grateful to be alive and positive. As parents we cannot express our thanks and gratitude enough for all of the love and prayers! We made it through another day!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Alec got up in a wheelchair and went for a walk today! It was so amazing to have him up and he was so excited, we even went outside in the fresh air and sunshine. What an awesome experience to be outside with my son. I really have no words to express my gratitude and love for my son. Alec finally went into surgery around 5:15 PM. As we waited, of course the feelings and emotions almost become overwhelming. We all try to joke and talk about other things but in the back of our minds...  all the stress worry and fear of yet another surgery lurk nearby. A couple of hours into the surgery they called out and said it was going well, but that they weren't going to be able to close the leg all the way. We all were so sad for him, he wants to be done being operated on and get better so he can go home! It was kind of gloomy for us for awhile. When the surgeon came out......guess what!
They were able to close the whole thing! It has a wound vac on again and will need that for about 5 days!  I honestly cannot believe that we are actually done having surgery, at least for awhile. They also fixed his hand, 4 pins, and they are outside his cast so that's not going to be very fun. It will be like that for 6 weeks. But seriously we are so blessed and grateful. My son is actually on the brink of recovery! I have had a few rough days. I don't know why though, my son is so amazing and doing so well. I'm so proud of him and so amazed, but as a mother, it is so hard to watch, and so difficult to know the right things to say to be of help to him. I feel extremely grateful that my son is alive and he has had so many blessings.

We have had a very long day..   he was feeling pretty good for awhile this morning but not so much now. We have not gone into surgery yet because a trauma came in so they are saying 4-5pm. It breaks my heart that someone else's world has just been turned upside down!
Good news is Alec is mad because he's hungry! That is so great that hes actually hungry but sucks because he can't eat. He doesn't like waiting! Again thank you for the continuos support!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today has been a rough day pain wise. We have had a hard time getting on top of the pain. They let him sleep a little more last night which was good, but then he got behind on pain meds. Two edged sword for sure!
Alec has eaten today which is so actual food!  It's so great to see him eat.
Alec is very tired today but so full of gratitude. He is telling everyone how grateful he is to be alive and how blessed he feels. I am so overwhelmed by him and everything  that he is going through. We think he will have surgery again tomorrow at 12 PM.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Again, Alec is out of surgery from this morning, he did so great. He had to have a couple units of blood (mostly just precautionary). They were able to repair the bone, LCL and the nerve in his left leg. He will not be able to put any weight on it for 6 weeks, which he is not going to be happy about!
Alec watched some videos of another amputee last night and he was so excited about everything that this man is able to do. He wants so much to get up and get moving forward. I am again completely astonished by his overwhelming gratitude that he is alive and all the possibilities that await him. I don't know very many 21 year old young men that could handle this with the strength and courage the way he has. His attitude is inspiring and extraordinary! One more surgery and one more day down!  Hey Alec, YOU ARE MY CHAMPION!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Alec is out of surgery. Went pretty good, weren't able to close the right leg because of swelling but the infection looks good! He will have a wound vac on it until monday. Weren't able to do the left leg or hand but are planning that surgery for tomorrow. His poor skinny body is tired and all the surgeries are hard on him but he's so tough.
 Thank you for all of the prayers

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It has been a good day! I am overwhelmed with the love and support we have gotten from people we don't even know and those that we do. Alec has been able to rest a lot today and his spirits are so good. He is going into surgery at 7:30 am and I am hopeful that the infection is gone so they will be able to close the right leg and fix the broken bone and ligament in his left leg, and also his hand. His body is tired and all of the surgeries are hard on him. Alec has his sense of humor and has even made jokes about his leg being gone. I am inspired and amazed that my 21 year old son is handling all of this the way that he is! When he has visitors, they all express how they go in feeling sad, and come out inspired! My sweet friend Britt (who has his puppy) came to see him today and when she left he was so happy. They both have had the same exact thoughts about that puppy being a service dog for him. Life is strange...and a friend that I haven't seen in 20 years has impacted his life in ways that I can't even begin to express. Who would have thought that just 21 days ago, giving my son a puppy for his birthday would turn into a life changing thing for him!
Pray for a good outcome tomorrow, and that his tired body can handle yet ANOTHER surgery! Again  THANK YOU for the love support and prayers, as hard as all this is, we wouldn't be able to do this without each of you!!!
I'm sitting here watching my son sleeping peacefully. He had a very rough night, pain was so bad. His uncle Mike was with him all night and said he slept about 40 minutes was all.
Today as I sit here I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my son is alive. Gratitude and thankfulness that the Lord was able to help him in making his decision yesterday that very well could have saved his life again!  He still has the staph infection but we are hoping and praying that with removing his leg we can get on top of that. He has lost so much weight, about 40 lbs and still doesn't have much appetite. His blood pressure and heart rate are better than its been since we got here 15 days it feels like we've been here for months!! My son is a fighter and is absolutely astonishing all of us with his positive attitude. I really don't know what lies ahead of us but I know he will succeed and do great things!! I am continually inspired by him!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

On October 30th my sons life was spared. Today, we weren't so lucky with his leg. This morning when the trauma orthopedic team came in to check on Alec he made the heroic decision to amputate his right leg!  Of all of the things I have been so proud of him for in his life, I have NEVER been more proud than I am today. He has more strength and character than anyone I have ever known. He handled this with dignity and love. Even with others telling him to wait and all of his options weighed, he knew what was best for him. As a mother who gave birth to this beautiful baby who had two perfect legs and ten perfect toes I have never been through anything harder. With conflict and others telling me it wasn't the right decision, my job is to love, support and trust my son. When the surgery was over, the Doctor said it was absolutely the right decision. His entire leg was filled and oozing with infection. If we would have waited even 24 more hours we probably would have lost his leg up to his hip and who knows about it getting into his organs. We again have had tender mercies and the Lord has helped Alec mentally and emotionally prepare for this. He is awesome and amazing! I love my son and have never been more proud of him!
If you are wondering how you can help Alec's cause there is a PayPal account set up for Alec, just click on the yellow Donate button at the top left of the blog.   Alec will receive an email on your donation and  you will receive a receipt, thank you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today has been ok.....or maybe just yesterday was so hard that today feels better, I don't know.
The muscle flap is continuing to die and infection is still pretty aggressive.  Surgery kind of happened, no working on the left leg because of infection. They don't want to spread the infection into the other leg. It's already in his blood stream and they don't want to risk further damage. We basically have some pretty big decisions in the next day, although we are all fairly certain where that will lead.
Alec is literally the strongest person  physically and emotionally I have ever known. He has an absolutely awesome attitude and I love him! He is strength to us all. Keep praying as we have very hard decisions to make in the next day or two.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Today is not a good day! I am trying with every ounce of my being to stay strong and hopeful but quite honestly I do n't know if I can muster anything.
Alec has infection in his leg which is staph! Praying that it doesn't run through his whole body. They came in about an hour ago and cleaned it right there. They did give him pain meds but quite honestly I DO NOT know how he stood the pain. Rourke told him he's absolutely the toughest kid he's ever seen! Rourke and I could hardly handle it, how Alec did I will never know! The muscle flap is dying and I think the only reason the doctors didn't just say it's done was for Rourke and I, that we wouldn't lose complete hope. How in the name of all that is good do you tell your 21 year old son he is losing his leg?
He is having surgery in the morning on his left leg to fix the LCL and the bone. Sorry I can't find a positive space to be right now, but I will! My son is amazing and I love him so much! Please continue the prayers.
So many thoughts and feelings are running through my mind. We don't know a lot yet but should have culture results in the next few hours. Sucks to wait but that seems to be what we do. He has had a fever on and off all night. He's either burning up with fever or sweating like crazy. He has been awake for a couple of hours and talked with me and Mike. We are waiting for the plastics Dr to come in and decide if we can try and clean the leg here or go back in the OR. He definitely has infection, the wound has a terrible odor and is changing color, some dark and some green. It's not good. I wish I had answers and I wish I could fix this. Again, as parents we sit here completely helpless but not hopeless! We will not/CANNOT give up!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Alec is being moved back to ICU....they think he has infection and that is the worst news we could get. Say extra prayers for my son!!!
Last night was a bit better....they were able to get on top of his pain at least a little bit so he could rest. He's completely exhausted! The hallucinating has stopped for the most part so that's good. I am beyond grateful for his life and his determination! Hopefully  today will be an okay day. They are going to change the dressing today so we are not looking forward to that extra pain but we are SO grateful that the muscle flap is taking!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Alec has continued to be exhausted today from his extremely long procedure yesterday. Today has been another rough day for Alec. He said earlier, "this has been the hardest day so far."He is in so much pain, and although they are constantly trying to get it under control, it just continues to rage throughout his body. He remains in the IMCU wing and they are keeping a close watch on the muscle flap which seems to be doing good so far. Please continue to remember Alec in your prayers as he is in extra need of them right now! We love and appreciate all of you for your love and support, as we all continue on this journey with Alec! This kid is a fighter!!!

Update on Brontay's sister is the swelling on her brain has gone down and she is off the breathing tube and conscious. She will need surgery on her pelvis and possibly her hand. We are so happy that Brontay was able to fly out and be with her family. Please remember the Dickson family in your prayers as well.
I would have to say last night was probably the worst night we've had. Alec is in so much pain. He is hallucinating which they say is normal given all the trauma and the 13 hours of surgery. He doesn't understand what is happening and keeps begging his dad and I to save him and stop letting them hurt him! We have never felt so helpless! We would give anything to take the pain away and make him better. As hard as this is I keep telling myself that he is alive, and we are truly blessed, which we definitely are, but this is one of the hardest things we've ever had to endure.
Please continue to pray for him. He needs to rest and hopefully the hallucinations will stop. Pray for Brontay and her sweet sister Korelle. This is completely overwhelming and exhausting but we are grateful for each of you. Alec is a fighter and I KNOW he can do this!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Alec is out of surgery.... FINALLY!! It went ok, not as well as we had hoped but still ok. The first artery didn't respond so they did a second one and it seems to be working ok. Blood flow seems good at this point however it is very touch and go. They will have him in the IMCU and watch it very closely. If it starts to clot or anything they will take him immediately back in to try and fix it. The surgeon did not really give us a lot of good vibes. Said its very touch and go and if this doesn't work we really don't have a lot of options left because they had to use two arteries. If it doesn't work we will be looking at alec losing his leg. They were not able to do anything with the left leg or right hand, his body is just not strong enough. That's ok, we can do that later. They were able to graft the front side of alecs leg but not the back. Uugh this is extremely exhausting and hard but my son is a fighter!!!
While waiting for surgery we got a very sad phone call that Brontays (alecs rock star of a girlfriend) that her sister was in a bad car accident and has been life flighted to a hospital in Austin Texas. She is on a ventilator and her brain is swelling. Holy crap could this girl catch a break!! Could everyone please  pray for Korelle and for Brontay!!! Omh we are tired but SO grateful!!!
So we are at 9 pm and he's still in surgery! Holy long day! They update us every two hours and said he's doing really well. They have had some trouble getting the blood vessels working properly and said it's very tedious. They have not done anything with the left leg or right hand. His body just isn't strong enough to do that today. Thank you for all the love and prayers...hopefully he will be out soon and I will update all of you. Keep praying for him and for the surgeons! LONG DAY
The ortho Dr just came out.....they were able to repair both outside ligaments on his right knee!!! That is UNBELIEVABLE!!! Another miracle!! He is still in surgery with the plastics team! Keep praying IT IS WORKING!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Overall, today was a pretty mellow/quiet day. A LOT of Doctors and a lot of discussion about surgery tomorrow. They have finally been able to get on top of his pain a little bit. That being said, he's pretty loopy! One thing I can say for sure is that his quick wit and sense of humor is there and we love it! His cousin Cody (Nicks twin) came in from Oregon today and it was awesome to have those three boys together. (Sorry guys but you'll always be boys to me).
Alec was able to sleep the majority of the day and that was good. Surgery tomorrow, and it will be a long one... repairing bone and one ligament in the left leg. Trying to do something (who knows for sure what) with ligaments and tendons in the right leg. Doing a muscle flap, which they will take from his abdomen, and skin grafts. If he's stable, and handling surgery well, they may do the pins in his right hand. Holy crap, that's a lot of stuff!
Please say a lot of prayers for him as it will be a very long day! Again THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all the love, support and prayers. Our family will never be able to express our gratitude! PS...the social worker came in and said, "Alec, usually people have one or two teams working on have every team in this hospital except geriatrics!" Lol, let's stay away from that one!
We are continually amazed at the support that has emerged for Alec during this past week. We are eternally grateful for all of the thoughts and prayers. So many have asked how they might be able to help... We have set up an account at any chase bank in the name of Alec McMorris. Any donations at this time would help more then you know. Thanks again for all the love help and support!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today has been long and hard but good. The idea of putting Alec into a wheelchair made him so happy, until they did it. The pain was SO horrible! I can hardly stand to watch him suffer! It's the most awful thing to not be able to help your child. He said he never wants to do it again. But by the afternoon (and a lot of medicine) he said he would try again in the morning. Tonight Brontay went and got his puppy and brought it up to see him. That dog may be just exactly what he needs. Britt (the lady we bought the puppy from) was worried that when the puppy is separated from the others he would wine and not be calm. As you can see by the pictures, that puppy knew exactly what Alec needed, thanks for that wonderful opportunity Britt! We are looking at surgery on Friday to do a muscle flap, start skin graft, and also repair part of the left leg. Please keep the prayers coming and know we love and appreciate you all so much!
Rourke made a comment today that when Nick comes in to see him he lights up! It's so true! We love you Nick.
My sister Kris has Indian names for my kids, like Sadie's is "talks a lot". My sweet friend Robert Mantas came up with a new one for Alec today...
"Dances with trucks" too awesome, thanks Robert!

This is Nick and his fiancé Kat.

I have been sitting here looking at my FaceBook and I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude with all of your love and support. I cannot begin to express how grateful we are. I was looking back to the post I put up on Alec's birthday, just 15 days before this horrifying accident. I said to him, "Alec you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. You have far greater talents and gifts than you even realize!" Who would have thought those words would be so appropriate just 2 weeks later? The truth is, he is amazing and can do this! He has already beaten the odds over and over and over! Alec has a purpose beyond what any of us can see, and I believe he is going to be an example to many other people when this is all over.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today started out pretty rough.....Alec had to have 2 more units of blood and was in so much pain. He went into surgery and it was very long!! However they were able to fix the bones and they lined up great! The knee is back where it goes and looks stable. We will have to fix the left leg asap and also a muscle flap over the tibia and then skin graft. There was no more dead tissue and no infection! We are watching miracles every day and are so grateful! Alec is in a lot of pain, wants to go home and wants his puppy! Rourke and I and our entire family are so very grateful to each of you for all your love prayers and support. Please keep it up, we have a lot to do but we are blessed beyond measure!!
I came home tonight to try and get some rest but its not coming very easily. I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that my son is alive and doing so well because of the faith and prayers on his behalf. That being said, I want so much to trade him places or fix this.....nothing has ever been harder than watching my child almost not make it, be in so much pain, and I can't fix it! As a mother we are supposed to protect our children, and I just couldn't this time. Rourke and I both would trade places with him in a heart beat! I know he is so strong and can do this! I also want to say that with my whole heart I love my nephew Nick! He is an absolutely amazing kid and I know that he would also trade places with Alec in an instant if he could. But he needs to know and feel of everyone's love, prayers, and support. He is the best, and while I know that he feels like if he hadn' been there, neither would have Alec. Nick we all love you and need you to know our prayers are for you, just as much as for Alec.
Surgery is tomorrow and we are praying for a positive outcome. We have been so blessed and have seen miracles. Please keep praying for Alec and Nick as this is something that they both are in need of desperately! Words cannot adequately express mine and Rourkes gratitude for each of you! We have am amazing son and are truly blessed beyond words to be his parents and to still have him with us.

Monday, November 4, 2013

 Alec is doing good.....has been moved to the 6th floor orthopedic trauma unit. Out of ICU so that's good. He has had kind of a rough day, a lot of pain. He is completely worn out!! Surgery is tomorrow, not sure exactly what time yet, but we are praying no infection and no dead tissue, so they can start repairing. Alec may have a more serious injury in his hand than preciously thought, we need more x-rays to determine this but it might need surgery. He also has to have the bone and LCL in his left leg fixed ASAP. The poor kid is just beat to crap!!! I'll keep posted on surgery time and info as soon as I know it. We love you all, thanks for the continuous support.
Alec is still stable and doing so well. He did have some fever last night but that seems to have gotten better. We are SO grateful for all of the prayers and the fast yesterday.....we can feel the love and support and are seeing the blessings constantly. Keep praying as surgery is tomorrow and it will tell us a lot about his leg. Alec is an inspiration to all of us and we are so blessed to have him still with us. We love each and every one of you and words cannot express our gratitude for you.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Alec has had a pretty good day. Surgery this morning, and has been able to rest the majority of the day. We've had good news and some bad news today, but good news always outweighs the bad. He did have to have a feeding tube put in, because his body has lost so much he needs more nutrition. He is definitely a fighter.
Just got out of surgery......
had to cut out 3 small pieces of muscle that were dead. That's not really good but not terrible. Otherwise tissue looks healthy and good. Plan is to still go in on Tuesday and clean again, if it looks good and no tissues are dead they will be able to start actually repairing. Pray for that, he is in so much pain and wants to start fixing it. The left knee is pretty jacked up now too, LCL and ACL are both torn along with the brake. They put a brace on his leg, but basically will not be fixing that now. Don't want to cause him more pain at this point.
He is very tired and how body needs rest to heal so he will be pretty medicated today which will be good for him.
He did have to have another unit of blood yesterday because his counts are dropping. They are watching that very closely but at this point seems to have leveled off. Thank you for all the love support and prayers please keep them coming. We love you all

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My son is doing so well tonight!! All of the prayers are working and we are so grateful! He has a very long road but every hour he gets better and better. He just posted on FB "shit I feel like I've been hit by a truck.......oh wait" if that isn't the greatest post EVER I don't know what is! His body is broken but his mind is sharp as ever!!! That my friends is an absolute miracle! How do you fly 25 feet through the air and land on the ground and not have any head trauma?? Its a miracle of God, that's how!!! Love you all and love my son so freakin much!!!

P.S. tomorrow is a surgery day so Alec needs all the peace, quiet, and rest he can get. Thank you all so much for everything!
Alec has done really well today. While he is exhausted, his attitude is good. We had a little bad news with finding out he has a fracture in his left hand, and also a break in his left leg. Not sure of the extent of that injury yet. The hand has been splinted and should heal. Waiting to hear from the orthopedic team about the left leg. All that's being said is that Alec is a miracle, and we are so grateful for your prayers. Keep saying them.....they are working!

After changing the bandages and a bath, Alec slept foe quite a while. When he woke up around 4 he was in a lot of pain. He is realizing more every time he is awake the gravity of the situation. He wants to get up go home so bad. We are telling him a bit at a time what is wrong and what all he has been through. This is so so so hard to watch my child hurt so much and not be able to fix it. I just wish so much I could trade him places.
He needs all your love, support, and prayers. Thank you all, from every ounce of my being, I KNOW we would not be doing as well as we are without all of you!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Alec has the ventilator off and is doing so awesome!!! He has not fully realized the gravity but is doing so amazing! His sense of humor is still in tact! He is in a lot of pain and on a lot of meds. But he is HERE , he is ALIVE, he is completely with us mentally!!! We are so blessed and have had miracle after miracle! Still need more but are so so happy with the progress

Surgery went really well.....we have had nothing but positive all day. I truly believe it is because of all the love and prayers. All of what's left of Alec's leg is healthy and viable. It all looks very good.
Alec isn't awake yet but when he is they will be trying to take him off the ventilator. He was communicating as well as he could this morning before surgery, and even smiled when he saw Brontay! Then after a bit of charades Rourke and I were able to figure out that he was asking about the score of the Red Sox game......that's my boy!!!!
He will be having surgery again on Sunday to clean and check viability again, and if all is well,  surgery again on Tuesday to start actually repairing. Please keep praying, we love you all more than words can describe!

This is a post from my brother Andrew Cooper yesterday! So grateful for you and your cute wife and your love and support.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Some of you may know but my first birthday phone call came from my step sister Angie. My nephew had just been in a horrific accident. Not the call I was prepared for. All day I struggled to work and keeps my spirits up. How could this happen especially on my bday. Today when I awoke to a new day I realized that yesterday was actually my greatest bday of my life. The gift was Alec being alive when there were 100 reason he shouldn't be . What an amazing present. My day was definitely half full not empty. Thanks Jess for helping me make it through yesterday. Praying for the McMorris family and hugging mine every day. Happy Halloween please be careful

He woke up and communicated with Josh with open eyes and nods and smiles for about 30 min last night. The bond of brothers is huge!! He likes to write things down because he can't talk, but gets too tired to stay awake to write. He wrote "mouth ca" to Brontay, we aren't sure what that meant because he fell asleep. But probably his mouth hurts?? His blood pressure still going up but comes down with medicine. Not sure what that's about yet but probably has a lot to do with the amount of pain he is in. The reality of our situation sinks in more clearly every hour. But what we do know is that we are extremely lucky that Alec is still with us. Really shouldn't be and especially blessed that he has no head injuries. The miracles and tender mercies of the Lord are evident more by the minute. Your prayers are working please keep them coming. My son is so strong and his stubbornness will be a huge asset for him now!  I love you so much Alec and your "mickey magic" is what we need!!